Mission Statement

Our Mission, Your Freedom

In the age of entrepreneurship being the ‘cool’ thing to do, we want to get back to the basics of what that really means. Entrepreneur is derived from the French word entreprendre, which means to undertake, to pursue opportunities or to fulfill needs and wants through innovation and succeeding in your business. We want to help you launch or expand your business and reach a level of success that you have only imagined. If that is through a physical business, great. If that is through learning new ways to capitalize on the market; we can handle that too.

Our goal is to only add value to those apart of our community and reduce the waste and fluff that comes along with the “motivation, hustle and grind, Lambo’s and bottles,” lifestyle brands. Meme stocks, YOLO options, and Discords with hit or miss call outs are EVERYWHERE. There has to be a better way. What if instead of an ‘every man for themselves’ mentality, we build a community of like-minded individuals, going through the same process and struggles, that can build off one another.

You may see other competitors site’s touting their win-rate and looking for a quick buck, but does a 90% win rate really matter when 1 trade out of 10 can wipe out a whole account? And yes, motivational quotes and get rich quick business strategies are great, but how does one place them in their own personalized context?

These are the issues Initiative was created to address. Our advanced trade strategies focus upon expectancy rather than win rate, with aggressive managing and calculated risk taken into consideration. Our Business content and strategies are created with the retail consumer in mind, so that no matter the context in which one may find themselves, all business blogs and ideas can and will be applicable.